Friday, February 28, 2020

Next step of our 'Animal research project' is to build our animal and its habitat.
We will need materials like:
egg cartons
paper towel rolls
cereal boxes
items like : feathers, buttons, popsicle sticks, cotton balls
and any other material that can be used to build.

Thank you !!
Have a good weekend!

Thursday, February 27, 2020

We learnt a new math card game called 'salute'!

March is 'Math Month' in school!

Today we completed our 'animal research project'.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Pink Shirt Day

Book by : Margery Cuyler

We read the book called ' Bullies Never Win'

Unfortunately, we have realized that many of our Ozobots (mini robots) that were generously funded by our School Council, have gone missing from the Learning Commons.  
The Ozobots are used for many different projects in the LC and they might have been mistaken as a "take home" part of a finished project.  If you took an Ozobot home, please return it to your teacher.


Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Pink shirt day tomorrow.

We continued working on our animal research project. We wrote 'wonder' questions :
I wonder why (name of the animal ) has ____________ ? We will continue our research this week.

Monday, February 24, 2020

 'Pink Shirt Day' on Wednesday, February 26th.

We continued working on our 'animal research project' and  today we used chrome books to learn more about our animal. We used websites to find interesting facts and special features.
We also learned about animal adaptations and that there are 2 kinds of adaptations: physical and behavioral adaptations.  

Friday, February 21, 2020

On Wednesday, February 26th students are requested to wear pink for 'Pink Shirt Day'.
Pink Shirt Day is celebrated annually around the globe, Pink Shirt Day began in Canada in 2007 when two students took a stand against bullying after a new year student was harassed for wearing pink.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

- Early dismissal tomorrow
We practiced Zentangle patterns today.
The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. We call these patterns, tangles. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Today we celebrated 100 days of school in grade one. 
We started our day by counting to 100 in different days (counting by 10's, 5's and 2's)
We completed our 100 chart and did addition and subtraction with 100 using our knowledge of counting by 10's 
60+ ___ =  100
100 - 30 = ____

We continue to collect loonies and toonies for the koalas and kangaroos. Mrs. Stableford, one of our kindergarten teachers, knit a toy koala. The students are invited to take their donations to room 20 and make a guess about when they think the koala's birthday is. The child whose guess is closest to the koala's actual birthday will win the koala. 

Today we also started our animal research project with Mrs. Sloane. We are reading books and writing jot notes about our animals appearance, habitat, food, enemies and special facts.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

 Working on math problems!

Examples of word problems we solved in class today:
Ben has 15 toy cars. Some are blue and some are red. How many are blue? How many are red? Show as many different solutions as you can.

Tom had 18 coins in his pocket. He lost some. How many did he lose? How many did he have left? Show as many different solutions as you can.

Lia's dad baked 12 pies. Some were apple and some were cherry. How many were apple? How many were cherry? Show as many different solutions as you can.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

There is no school Tomorrow and Friday due to teacher's convention. There is no school on Monday because of Family day. 

We handed out our valentine cards and read some very interesting Valentine books!

In math today we drew a picture that was symmetrical. We looked at pictures that showed symmetry in nature.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Tomorrow the students are invited to pass out Valentine cards to each child in our room. The names of the students are...Hailey, Audrina, Izhaan, Muhammad, Eisley, Jacob, Caeleb, Addy, Kingston, Nana, Tea, Britney, Chloe, Vincent, David, Taylor, Autumn, Liam, Ian, Mason, Finn. If the Valentines have a toy, pencil, eraser..., we will ask him/her to remove them prior to passing out his/her cards. This is an optional activity. 

There is no school on Thursday and Friday due to teacher's convention. There is no school on Monday because of Family day. 

Today we talked about the new research project that we'll be working on for the next few weeks. We'll be using a variety of sources, including non-fiction books, approved websites, Google Docs, pictures and videos to find information about a local wild animal. We talked about the categories your child will have to locate information on (appearance, habitat, food, enemies, behaviour and special facts). The first step will be to think of questions they want to know about, use the sources mentioned to research jot notes for each category and then use these point form facts to write sentences about the animal your child is learning about. We will be also doing a special building project about our animals.

We continued to practice problem solving involving addition and subtraction in math. This includes showing HOW they arrived at the answer. 
Please try to work this practice into your everyday life. For example, encourage your child to solve problems such as...

  • We need a fork and spoon for each person in our family. I've already put a fork and spoon at my plate, how many more do we need, so that everyone has one of each?
  • If you need 21 Valentines and you've already made 10, how many more do you need to do?
  • You have 15 toys. Your sister/brother has 8 toys. How many toys do you both have altogether?
  • Daddy has 12 candies. You have 10 candies. How many more candies does Daddy have?

Monday, February 10, 2020

New Student: Welcome Caleb to our class. It was Caleb's first day at Coventry Hills School.
- Students will be handing out Valentine cards on Wednesday, February 12.
- No school on Thursday, Friday (teacher convention) and Monday (family day)

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Thursday Feb 6th
The students will not be allowed to hand out Valentines IF they have a toy, pencil or candy attached. If you have already made/bought Valentine cards with a toy/pencil/candy/sticker..., please remove the item and just send in the cards. Our school is following the Calgary Board of Education guidelines and appreciate your attention to this matter. Classrooms will recognize Valentine's Day on February 12th.  
  •    💕💜💚💙💛💕
  • Our next snowshoeing sessions are Feb 10, 11, and 12th. 

Today, we explored various situations involving adding and subtracting numbers. 

Today, we focused on the part-part whole structure to solve problems in groups. We had to determine if we needed to find out what one of the parts was (one of the numbers in the equation), or what the whole was (the answer to the equation). Examples of the problems are as follows...
"There are 9 bananas. There are 11 grapes. How many more grapes?"
"Ken had 19 candies. He ate 5 on Monday. He ate 6 on Tuesday. How many does he have now?
" I had some toys. Mom gave me 3 more toys. Now I have 12 toys. How many toys did I have at first?"

We had another great snowshoeing session!!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Tomorrow we will begin a short snowshoeing unit in Phys Ed. We will be snowshoeing February 4th, 5th, 6th, 10th, 11th and 12th. Please dress for the weather. Students should bring boots, snow pants, jackets, hats and mitts. Mrs. Brady is looking for volunteers to help with our snowshoes. Please sign-up using the following link if you would like to join us!

We listened to Helen Keller's biography and learned that despite being deaf and blind she devoted her life to help people.
Today we generated a writing rubric together:

Show and Tell Please bring something to share with your friends during our next google meet (Wednesday 9:30am and/ or Thursday (2:00pm). W...